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Saturday, September 4, 2010

S M O K E R ' S : PRicelisT WatCh-out

Some hearsay tells us that there was a bill submitted to the legislative body of the Phillippines and opt to be legalized about drastic changes on cigarette pricing per stick. As per the author of the bill, this could be one way of promoting this slogan "Government Warning: Cigarette Smoking is dangerous for your healtH" (We know!) And, maybe this would have minor's taking seconds though on going on with the vice co'z it would mean a lot to their allowances. 

As per the bill, cigarette stick would be sold for P7.00/stick (or so..), that would be P140.00 for a pack which is enough for a family's lunch (consider a family of 4). In this way, teenagers, young adults and minors will have a 75% chance that they could only smoke for a minimum of 2 sticks per day if we consider a high school student (who smokes) having a P20.00 allowance for snack (which usually goes out for smoking purposes) or an average of 4 sticks per day for average man who has a P50.00 share that goes out for lunch and smoking purposes). This is if we consider that these people are not from Manila or from a big city. 

Well, lets say this is a good idea (for me it is co'z i have been planning on stopping the vice) but will everybody bite this bill?


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