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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Work, People, Friends, MATTERS!

I am currently at work while i am writing this blog. It is always so enticing to come to work when you know that the place will make you happy, the people will make you smile and the workload gives you a spare time to not think about the things around you, bothering you.

Sometimes i feel like i love to stay in the office. For no reason at all. I just love how i feel when i am working in front of the pc and knowing that there are people around you ready to tap your back for a quick smoke break or calls you and invite you for a lunch break. Its a sign though that you exist not just at home but at the same time in your workplace.

For the past few days, my mind has been wandering the realms of blank thoughts and more often thinking about the vagueness of things that people can think about. Ugghh.

These are the times when i tell myself to set back, relax and enjoy the show. Meaning, i got to work, work, work and work. that is how i define relaxing. The more im working the more im relaxed. But the aftermath always tells me that its too much.

I worked 16 hours yesterday and after the shift, i immediately went home, took a mid-day course and 10 minutes later i was on a ride to the vast imagination of REM co'z i know 8 hours alter I got to go to work again.

What drives me to work really is the fact that there are special people who are waiting for you. Special in the way that they see you as someone who can be their bit of joy for the day or the pillow for comfort and sometimes the million dollar friend. I often wonder why i gain this people. My charisma is not that good or maybe jsut because of my being amiable. LOL! :D.

Anyways, right now i am sharing a laugh with friends in a chatroom. Sometimes this is our way to fight stress and yes it does work for me. I can never have a dull work moment in any day unless someone tries to pull the trigger and brings out the worst of me.


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